

Research Work

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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May 2020 – Present

Develop, implement and test code for OpenNetVM, a network function virtualization (NFV) platform, under Dr. Timothy Wood with 10 other students.

Programming Languages: C, Python, (a little bit of) Bash Scripting
Applications + Software: Git, VSCode
Additional Skills: Agile Software Development, Team Leadership + Collaboration, Version Control, Communication, Command Line Interface (CLI)

Industry Work

Senior Lab Technician

February 2019 – September 2020

Developed faculty webpages and managed graphic prints for advertisements and school-wide social media postings, while I provided day-to-day hardware and software solutions to students and faculty members.

Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
Applications + Software: WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva
Additional Skills: Communication, Team Collaboration, Project Management

Web Developer + Graphic Designer

May 2018 – Present

Self-Taught front-end web developer.
Currently, providing services as needed.

Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
Applications + Software: Adobe Photoshop